‘Welcome to Papermodels4rc – a website that offers a new printable model Harrier jet which is assembled from paper, card and foamboard and flown using the necessary parts from an old Blade Inductrix 200 quadcopter. If you already own an Inductrix 200 then your good to go with either a Harrier in the United States Marines ‘AV8B’ paint scheme with ‘ghost markings’ or a UK ‘GR9’ with three tail fin options included in the same download – just click on one of the above links to see the picture gallery. If you don’t already have an Inductrix 200 you may find a used one on the internet via ebay or some RC forum websites that have a classified section. Although more expensive, there is still the option of purchasing the new components from any good RC hobby store or online shop. The required hardware from the Inductrix 200 is as follows; –
1/ 4 x Motors including the screws (BLH9014) and props (BLH9001).
2/ 1 x Control Board (BLH9012).
3/ 1 x Switch (BLH9013) – NOTE: The LED cover (BLH9010) is NOT required.

The Blade Inductrix 200 is a suitable quadcopter for a Harrier model due to the prop size to weight ratio – 55mm props lifting 195g total flying weight with a five-minute flight duration. The prop size dictates the size of the model, and therefore, also the weight. The completed model, with motors, control board, power switch and powered by an 80g battery weighs 195g and, since it is under 250g, the Harrier is designated as an unmarked ‘legacy’ model in the A1 sub catagory in the UK. Our Harrier model is the result of over two years design and flight testing to develop its flight handling to be as close to the standard Inductrix 200 as possible with a flight time of 5 minutes. The only modification required, which is also covered in the instructions, is to join and lengthen the battery lead with your own preferred plug type onto the power lead from the Inductrix’s control board enabling the use of a standard 3 cell lipo battery. The brand of battery is completely optional although it must conform to the size limit shown below. We recommend the Nanotech 25-50C 1000mah, the Overlander 35C supersport pro 1000mah and the fullymax 80C 850mah.

The design of the model is centred around a light weight foamboard motor frame with the lower fuselage ‘guns’ doubling as the landing skids. Each motor is screwed to a small three-ply card panel which is glued to a foamboard motor mount. The control board is securely installed into the motor frame with an interlocking panel that eliminates the need for any screws or sticky pads. The motor frame also features an adjustable battery stop system to ensure the battery is always located in the centre of gravity. The paper Harrier fuselage is built around a secondary foamboard frame which interlocks with the motor frame and is secured via a 24mm length of 2mm diameter carbon fibre rod behind the cockpit section. Our design also incorporates a top loading battery compartment with a hinged and closable battery lid for easy battery exchange/removal.

The lightweight construction enables the model to be very stable and responsive with an excellent power to weight ratio while also offering precision control if flown in a small outside space. The assembled size of the Harrier is 610mm in length with a wingspan of 390mm – making the model still small enough to fly indoors too. The full download versions contain the printable PDF model pages, foamboard motor frame and also detailed step-by-step PDF instructions to build, modify the control board, finish and fly the Harrier model. The full Harrier download is on offer in our online shop for an introductory price of £10.00. If you want to try the free sample download with instructions – which comprises of the nose, cockpit and intake section then just click on one of the links below. Note – the sample download is identical to the full download nose section and, once completed, can be attached to the full download version.

The final version Eagle has been completed and will be ready for download very soon. See news page for more details.

All helicopter models for the Blade MCPX are now free to download and are also still viewable in the online shop. You can download your choice of a free MCPX helicopter fuselage via the necessary links below.

All of our models are the result of many hours of designing and flight testing with the emphasis upon producing the best ‘scale-like’ appearance from the most uncomplicated pattern design possible. This means that our models contain few parts to reduce weight and speed up assembly times resulting in a great looking model with excellent flight handling.

All models and their instructions pages are produced in high quality PDF file format for Adobe acrobat reader. We recommend using ‘acrobat DC’ and we have incorporated an ‘easy print’ calibration system that utilizes the custom printing features in acrobat DC to assist with printing the pages accurately to size. You only need to print the actual models pages, then, by viewing the instructions within Adobe acrobat reader you have the ability to zoom in for exceptional clarity of every detail up to 800% magnification. The ‘step-by-step’ instructions incorporate assembly photos and diagrams with colour coordinated part numbers and cover every process from preparation to flying the finished model. The instructions pages are arranged as individual PDF ‘drawings’ – enabling the pages to load quicker and also make them easier to manipulate while using the zoom feature within acrobat reader.

We are now replacing the 200QX quad designs with smaller versions for the Blade inductrix 200 quad – the designs will remain very similar to those shown above. The ‘MOHAWK’ dropship prototype, ‘FALCON’ transporter & a harrier jump jet will be available within the next few months. Further details of these fuselages will be updated when nearing availability. The Falcon transporter has been cancelled and will be replaced with Eagle 1 from Space 1999. SEE NEWS PAGE for further details.
All our files are compressed in WinRAR archives to retain the folder structure and reduce the download size. You will need WinRAR to extract the folders and Files – you can download the application here – Get WinRAR. After your purchase a summary of your order will follow with a ‘download’ button with the filename contained within it – please RIGHT CLICK on the filename and download the file in a NEW TAB in your browser – this will retain the current download link and also download your model to your device in the unlikely event of a failed download – this feature will expire after 24 hours.
WinRAR v5.70 Archive Extraction Tips
After downloading one of our models its WinRAR archive will be located in your downloads folder. First, browse for the WinRAR archive – all of our downloads are named by the paper model name followed by the name of the RC heli or quad it is designed for – followed by .rar – example – ‘Ranger4MCPX.rar‘. Once located – ‘drag and drop’ the archive into your preferred main folder for extraction, or create one – example – USERS\John\Documents\Paper Models. After placing the archive in a suitable folder double click the archive to open the WinRAR application, then select the ‘Extract To’ button. A dialogue window will open – ‘Extraction path and options’ – click ‘OK’ at the bottom of the dialogue window and the extraction process will automatically create a new folder in the same location as the archive and also use the same name as the model archive you have downloaded. We also recommend that you ‘drag and drop’ the WinRAR archive into your new folder and then back-up the entire folder to a USB memory drive.